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  • Writer's picturedhanapaul303

Sweden and Finland's membership 'would strengthen Nato'

Finland and Sweden’s expected applications to join Nato will prove “hugely symbolic” by dividing Europe into separate security zones, leading analysts have said.

Russia will now be confronted with hostile states stretching from the Arctic down to the Black Sea and potentially leading to future confrontation, strategy experts have told The National.


But the inclusion of the two Nordic countries will significantly boost the alliance’s military strength, with both possessing highly capable militaries and “very, very good soldiers”, said Ed Arnold of the Rusi think tank.

“This is a very political time for the alliance, showing that it's still relevant, gaining new members who are strong in defence and security,” he added. “This is not just a military decision, it's a hugely symbolic political move.”

With Russia haemorrhaging troops and equipment during the Ukraine invasion, Moscow is unlikely to be able to retaliate in the short term. This is because Russia has withdrawn forces from the 1,340-kilometre Finland frontier to fight in the war.

There have been intelligence warnings that President Vladimir Putin may attempt cyber attacks on Stockholm and Helsinki.

“He’s clearly brought this upon himself, proving that he’s the greatest recruiting sergeant for Nato,” said Dr Alan Mendoza, director of the Henry Jackson Society think tank. “Russia has repeatedly invaded non-Nato countries so it stands to reason that having seen the destruction in Ukraine, Finland and Sweden want to reverse their historic position of neutrality.”

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